central broadcasting network Yuxi on August 16th news (reporter Chen Hongyan) according to voice of China "center wide news" report, 6 pupils in Qilu Lake drowned, the family requested Qilu Lake Protection Administration Compensation for funeral expenses, death compensation of 291 yuan.
Qilu Lake Yunnan is one of the nine plateau lakes ", with cheap NBA Fitted Hats an average depth of 4 meters. In April 24th this year, seven pupils in Yunnan Yuxi Xiushan Zhen Da Shu School about together to Qilu Lake Lake play, take the boat and foam lake, unfortunately, over 6 of them died of drowning. The parents of students killed, as Qilu Lake Management Department is responsible for the safety on water, the boat into the lake, around the lake is not set with safety warning signs, such as safety barriers are not, and there is no effective management and so on to the ships, they are missing in the work, the loss is the major cause of the accident, sued the defendant 6 drowning students funeral expenses, death compensation, mental solatium cheap NCAA Hats 90% meter 485000 yuan, a total of 2910000 yuan in 6 cases.
Thealleges that six people drowned, a surviving pupils have limited capacity, but they can't swim, listen to the safety education in schools, families, in that no one care into the lake, have life risk, but without permission will take fixed on the shore of the wooden stakes out the boat into the lake, put themselves in danger, this is the cause of the incident. 7 of them on the wooden water leakage and cheap NHL Hats improper disposal, so that the boat swaying tilt water sink, their behavior is a direct cause of death. At the same time, the plaintiff as parents is the guardian, did not try to control of education for minor children, is also an important reason for their death, the dead and the plaintiff should bear civil responsibility completely. cheap MLB Hats Qilu Lake is a natural lake, lake not tort liability, according to the relevant regulations, to protect the authority nor the public management or the activities of the organizers, according to relevant regulations, should not assume a safety guarantee obligations on this case.
Thetrial, the plaintiff and the defendant in Tonghai County of Qilu Lake protection around the administration of the primary school students drowning deaths occurred in April 24, 2014 should bear civil liability issue of adducing evidences, and the controversy surrounding the focus of debate. In the stage of the court mediation, the parties do not agree to mediation, the court did not on 6 cheap new era hats cases of mediation organization. At present, the case is still further trial, the collegial panel according to the comprehensive case law, fact, give full consideration to both sides, election verdict.
(case Yunnan Tonghai six pupils in Qilu Lake drowned dispute the original title: