
Li Yuanzhe said the current system in Taiwan

in new network on 11 July, according to Taiwan "Central News Agency," news, associate professor Chen Zhenyuan of Pingtung Education University has 60 research papers were "suspected of fraud, the vibration and Control Journal" (JVC) revocation. Former "Academia Sinica," Li Yuanzhe said, "we should review from the quantization index or a few articles to http://www.thepaladin123.com/ evaluation towards a person practices".

http://www.goodnewsblog123.com professor Chen Zhenyuan suspected forged papers published in JVC. Pingtung University of education, said, http://www.appleapphome.com/ this is the single in the event, no other teachers involved.

Li Yuanzhe today to attend the 2014 MXIC gold silicon awards, this incident made the above remarks, and pointed out that, Taiwan http://www.applefish123.com/ many teachers in order to seek funding and promotion, strengthening the quantitative index, "this is embarrassing, very bad thing", "we should review from the quantization index or a few articles. Treat a person practices".

Li Yuanzhe said the current system in Taiwan, a lot of things need to change, the education of the students, teachers and http://www.jugemblog.com the evaluation methods, also should have greatly improved.

