Xinhua Lausanne July cheap Reds Fitted Hats 14th sports special telegram of international sports arbitration court (CAS) 14, make a ruling, the Jamaica sprinter and Simpson suspended period reduced from 18 months to 6 months. As the two men have served 6 months suspended period, they are eligible to participate in any match immediately.
After Olo Flynnwas found (i.e. hydroxyephedrine) positive, Powell and Simpson were Anti Doping Commission of Jamaica sentenced to 18 months suspended. But the two people that taking the dietary supplements containing prohibited ingredients, and to appeal to the CAS, hope that the sanctions will be shortened to 3 cheap White Sox Fitted Hats months. The results showed that the ruling, two person's appeal has been supported in part.
Hearing about two ofin July 7th to 8 in New York. CAS said in a statement: "Powell and Simpson for the 18 month ban appeal of the partial support. CAS decided to ban for two people reduced to 6 months, because two people have served ban, they gained immediate entry qualifications."
has learned that the "sentence" the news, Powell feel a sense of relief. He wrote on Twitter: "thanks to the International Court of arbitration for sport, a stone in my shoulder off. Justice had cheap Tigers Fitted Hats been done, now let us go now!"
31 year old Powell said at the same time, will return to Luzern on the 15 day of the runway.
Simpson will appear in Luzern. She said in a statement: "I felt complete relief, cheap Mets Fitted Hats we finally get the maintenance of rights. In order to prove no problem before taking nutritional supplements, we all pay."
"we not intentional, the court of arbitration for sport is aware of this, would like to sincerely thank them," cheap Giants Fitted Hats Simpson added.